Control Voltage (CV)/Gate to MIDI
Courtesy/Thanks to: Tom Scarff
Description: The CV/Gate to MIDI unit is capable of converting the output control/gate voltages from a monophonic synthesiser to a MIDI note-on/note-off data commands. The unit works with linear CV out Volts/Oct where 0 volt is set to C1 and 4 volt is set to C5. However different MIDI note octave ranges can be pre-programmed, if required. Each semi-tone is equal to (1/12 = 0.08333 Volt). The gate output voltage from the synthesiser can be between 5 to 15 volts when a note is ON and 0 volt when the note is OFF. The wiring connections are shown in the CV to MIDI Layout diagram.
- The transmit MIDI channel (1-16) can be selected by a 4-way DIP switch.
- The velocity byte is preset to half of the maximum value.
- The CV to MIDI unit is monophonic.
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