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Midi Synthesizer

Courtesy/Thanks to: Ele4Music

Description: The TomCat is specifically designed to be built by anyone with a little kit building experience. It features simple single
board construction with no wire flying to the board. Minimum parts make it a breeze to assemble. All connections to the
board are made through three headers, a 1/4" output jack and a AC power jack.
The control package is much like the TB except I swapped a keyed AD envelope generator for the TB's decay generator
and accent functions. This particular change in design allows the TomCat to be much more playable using a keyboard
If I had to declare lineage, I would say it's based on the ARP Axxe however I didn't use any of the original circuitry. It all
starts out about the same place but ends up somewhere completely different.


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   Assembly plan, schematics, componentlist and pcbs for the EFM Tomcat Midi Synthesizer
   Electronic for music
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