Courtesy/Thanks to: Ken Stone
Description: PCB's for all of of Ken Stone's creations can be bought on his webpage.
Ibfo below from his site: This VCO started out life as a replacement for the original VCOs in my '73 Serge, so it replicates a lot of the functionality of that module. Of course there have been numerous enhancements to the design as well, making it right at home in a 1 volt per octave synthesizer.
The core chosen is the well known Electronotes ENS-76 VCO Option 1 as used in the ASM-1, Modulus, etc. This core was an obvious choice due to the amount of information, lists of suitable substitutes and so on that are available on the web.
It has AC and DC linear CV inputs as well as 1 V/oct. inputs and scalable/reversible CV inputs. It has sawtooth and pulse/square outputs, as well as a waveshape that is variable between sawtooth and a sine-like shape, and a fixed sine-like output too. It also includes a simple sub-oscillator for those who wish to experiment with that.
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