Tag Clouds
All entities tagged file.
show all, products, links, files, companies/persons000001.jpg | |
Schematics for the Blue Clipper | |
000002.jpg | |
Schematics for the EH Big Muff Pi | |
000003.jpg | |
Schematics for the DOD Compressor 280 | |
000004.jpg | |
Schematics for the DOD Overdrive 250 | |
000005.jpg | |
Schematics for the EH Fuzz-Wha | |
000018.jpg | |
Schematics for the EH Small Stone | |
07306368.pdf | |
Datasheet for the CA3140 | |
1_small.jpg | |
Picture of the Passive VU-meter | |
12stage 1080degrees phaser.gif | |
Schematics of the 12stage phaser | |
15v.bipolar.power.supply.txt | |
Schematics, component list and assembly notes for the Digisound 80 PSU | |
1721_warp9_e.pdf | |
MAM Warp 9 Owners manual | |
1n400x.JPG | |
picture showing pinconfiguration of 1N4001, 4002, 4003, 4004, 4005, 4006, 4007 | |
1N4148_3.pdf | |
Datasheet of the 1N4148 | |
1N914.pdf | |
Datasheet for the 1n914 | |
1s1588.pdf | |
Datasheet for the 1S1588 diode | |
2_x_sas_synced_with_diff_waveforms_freq_sweep.mp3 | |
2 SAS-VCO's synced together, via the sync in, and waveform out from the second VCO. Frequency is swe | |
2720.jpg | |
Picture of the Paia 2720 Modular system | |
2N3904_3.pdf | |
Datasheet for 2N3904 | |
2N3906_3.pdf | |
Datasheet for the 2N3906 | |
303manual.zip | |
The manual, 90gifs in a zipfile. Taken from www.monophonic.com check out their site for more 303stuf | |
4001.gif | |
Picture showing the signal flow and pinconfiguration of the 4001 | |
4013.gif | |
Picture showing the signal flow and pinconfiguration of the 4013 | |
4066.pdf | |
Pinconfiguration of the 4066 | |
4700rdme.txt | |
explainatory file for a series of articles about the modules of the 4700. See the separate modules f | |
4710balm.gif | |
4710 Schematics | |
4710balm.txt | |
PAiA 4710 Balanced Modulator Design Analysis, originally published 1974 | |
4710figs.gif | |
Explanatory wavefigures of the 4710 operations | |
4740adsr.gif | |
Schematics for the 4740 | |
4740adsr.txt | |
Explainatory text for the 4740 ADSR | |
4780blck.gif | |
Block diagram of the 4780 sequencer | |
4780clck.gif | |
Schematics of the Sequencer clock circuitry in the 4780 | |
4780rcnt.gif | |
4780 Ring counter, CV out Schematic | |
4780sequ.txt | |
PAiA 4780 Twelve stage analog sequencer Design Analysis | |
550turbostart.pdf | |
A onepage "manual" for the DR550/MkII | |
555.pdf | |
Datasheet for NE555 | |
555_free.png | |
Screenshot of the 555 Designer | |
555_light_theremin_PL.txt | |
Parts List for the 555 Light Theremin | |
555theremincircuit.gif | |
Schematics of the 555 Light Theremin | |
556.pdf | |
Datasheet for NE556 Dual Timer | |
582321154219521xx-EZLite.jpg | |
Picture of the EZ-kit Lite | |
6581.pdf | |
Datasheet for the SID chip from Commodore, Preliminary | |
6N136.pdf | |
Datasheet for the 6n136 | |
6n137.jpg | |
pinconfiguration, and schematics of the 6n137 | |
6N137.pdf | |
Datasheet for the 6n137 | |
6N138.pdf | |
Datasheet for the 6n138 | |
6N139.pdf | |
Datasheet for the 6n139 | |
700.gif | |
Schematics of the MiniKorg 700 | |
700s-b.jpg | |
Picture of the 700 | |
707_2000.zip | |
Owners manual for the TR 707 | |
707initializingfactorysettings.txt | |
How to initialize the factory settings for the tr707 and tr727 | |
707transmitmidi.txt | |
How to make the 707 & 727 transmit its sequences over MIDI. That way it can act as a sequencer and l | |
723_kopelista.xls | |
Componentlist, also the ELFA partsnumbers (swedish) | |
770.jpg | |
Schematics of the 770, bad resolution | |
770-b.gif | |
picture of the 770 | |
800dv.gif | |
Overall Circuit Diagram (Schematics) of the 800DV | |
80-1_pcb.gif | |
PCB layout for the Digisound 80-1 Power Supply | |
808.jpg | |
Small picture of the TR808 | |
909.jpg | |
Picture of the 909 | |
9090_topview1b.jpg | |
Picture of an assembled 9090 | |
9710blk.gif | |
9710 Signal flow | |
9710fota.jpg | |
Picture of the 9710VCF | |
9710scha.gif | |
Schematics for the Paia 9710 VCA and Balanced Modulator sections | |
9710schb.gif | |
schematics of the Paia 9710 Modulator section | |
9710vcap.gif | |
Frontpanel of the 9710 | |
9720b.jpg | |
a picture of the 9720 VCO | |
9720blk.gif | |
9720 Signal flow | |
9720sch.gif | |
Schematics for the Paia 9720 VCO | |
9720vcop.gif | |
No more info | |
9730b.jpg | |
Picture of the 9730 VCF module | |
9730blk.gif | |
Block diagram of the 9730 VCF | |
9730sch.gif | |
Schematics for the 9730 VCF | |
9730vcfp.gif | |
Frontpanel design of the 9730 VCF | |
a100rack.gif | |
Picture of a grand Doepfer A100 system | |
a-110_m.gif | |
Picture of the frontpanel | |
a-111_m.gif | |
Frontpanel view | |
a-117_m.gif | |
Frontpanel picture of the A117 | |
a-118_m.gif | |
Frontpanel view of the A118 | |
a128.gif | |
Frontpanel of the A128 | |
a880.jpg | |
Roland A-880 Midi-Patch | |
AB-24.pdf | |
Bench testing LM3900 and LM359 Input Parameters | |
adsr.png | |
Schematics of a dicrete ADSR | |
adsr2.png | |
Schematics of the second discrete ADSR by Rene Shmitz | |
ah-juno6.jpg | |
Piture of the Juno6 | |
amp_comp1.txt | |
Componentlist | |
AN-278.pdf | |
Application Notes for Fast Dual Norton Amplifiers | |
an2md_ct.gif | |
Schematics for the Analogue Inputs to MIDI | |
AN-390.pdf | |
application notes to LM 1036 | |
AN-72.pdf | |
Application notes on the LM2900 | |
anal_ips.gif | |
Schematics of different interfaces | |
anal2mid.jpg | |
Picture of the Analogue Inputs to MIDI | |
analogue.sequencer.gif | |
Schematics for the Basic Sequencer | |
analogue.sequencer.txt | |
Componentlist to the Basic Sequencer | |
angrybeardiii.jpg | |
Schematics for the Angry beard III | |
ar.gif | |
Schematics of an attack release envelope generator | |
Arp 2600_Owners Manual.pdf | |
Arp 2600 Owners manual | |
arp.Axxe.jpg | |
Picture of the ARP Axxe | |
Arp_2600_Service_manual.zip | |
Service manual for the ARP 2600 | |
Arp2600.jpg | |
Arp 2600 | |
arpprosoloist01.jpg | |
Picture of the ARP ProSoloist | |
ARPring.gif | |
Schematics for the ARPring ringmodulator | |
artikel beatbox1.jpg | |
"The Beat Generation" article about the progress of drummachines. Page 1 of 2 | |
artikel beatbox2.jpg | |
"The Beat Generation" article about the progress of drummachines. Page 2 of 2 | |
ascom40.jpg | |
Picture of the difference between new ELFOLIE and old. | |
asm1ns.pdf | |
asm 1 noise source schematics | |
asm1rack2.jpg | |
Picture pf the ASM-1X | |
asm1rackblue.jpg | |
Picture of the ASM-1X | |
asm1x_orig.jpg | |
Picture of the ASM-1X | |
avancerad_lofi_leslie_från_tomita.jpg | |
Schematics or so to say for the Advanced lofi leslie | |
Axxe2300servicemanual.zip | |
Service manual for the ARP Axxe model 2300, Highres scanned pictures in a zip-file. | |
B11614_1.gif | |
Blockdiagram and pinconfiguration of the CA3140 | |
ba3812l.pdf | |
Datasheet for BA 3812 | |
bassdrum.txt | |
This describes how to fatten up your 606 bassdrum. It's definitely a must - after you've heard a mod | |
battery.txt | |
the last word on saving your patterns | |
BC548.pdf | |
Datasheet for BC546/547/548/549/550 | |
BC558.pdf | |
Datasheet for the BC556/557/558/559/560 | |
bergfotron_VCPsimple.gif | |
schematics for the Berfotron VCP | |
bigbriarvoyager1M.jpg | |
Moog Music Voyager | |
bitone.jpg | |
No more info | |
Bleeps-random.mp3 | |
Sound example of the MAS861 | |
Bleeps-switch.mp3 | |
Another soundfile showing what the MAS861 sounds like. | |
boss.jpg | |
Logo of Boss | |
bosssg1.gif | |
Schematics for the SG-1 | |
breaks.txt | |
Making grungy breaks on your 606 isn't as hard as you would think. It mainly | |
c3310pdf.pdf | |
Datasheet for CEM 3310 | |
c3312pdf.pdf | |
No more info | |
c3320pdf.pdf | |
Datasheet for CEM3320 Voltage Controlled Filter | |
c3328pdf.pdf | |
No more info | |
c3330pdf.pdf | |
No more info | |
c3340pdf.pdf | |
No more info | |
c3350pdf.pdf | |
No more info | |
c3360pdf.pdf | |
No more info | |
c3365pdf.pdf | |
Datasheet for the CEM 3365 | |
c3371pdf.pdf | |
No more info | |
c3372pdf.pdf | |
No more info | |
c3374pdf.pdf | |
No more info | |
c3378pdf.pdf | |
Datasheet for the CEM3378 and the CEM3379 | |
c3389pdf.pdf | |
Datasheet for the 3389. | |
c3391pdf.pdf | |
No more info | |
c3396pdf.pdf | |
No more info | |
c5530pdf.pdf | |
Preliminary Datasheet for the CEM5530 | |
ca3080.pdf | |
Datasheet for the CA3080 | |
CA8013.pdf | |
Datasheet for the Harris CA8013 | |
CA8013_1.gif | |
Typical aplications for the CA8013 | |
capacitor_conversion.htm | |
Capacitator value conversion table | |
cat_srm_service_manual.zip | |
HiRes Cat SRM Service Manual | |
cat_srm_synthesizer.gif | |
Schematics over the CAT SRM Synthesizer. | |
cat_srm_users_manual.zip | |
HiRes Cat SRM Users Manual | |
CD4021BC.pdf | |
Datasheet for the CD4021 | |
CD4030C.pdf | |
Datasheet for the 4030 | |
CD4051BC.pdf | |
Datasheet for the CD4051 | |
CD4066BC.pdf | |
Datasheet for the CD4066 | |
cf_live_big.jpg | |
Picture of Control Freak LIVE | |
cfrk.jpg | |
Picture of the Control Freak Original | |
cfsemid.jpg | |
Picture of ControlFreak Studio Version | |
cheetah.gif | |
No more info | |
cheramic_capacitor.jpg | |
Picture of a cheramic capacitor | |
cj03.mp3 | |
Sounddemonstration of the Devilfish mod | |
cmu800.jpg | |
Picture of the CMU800 | |
cmu800_sch.gif | |
Schematics of the Roland CMU800 Taken from the Synthfool si | |
Color_Coder.png | |
Picture of how the resistor color coder program looks like. | |
compmakersmall.jpg | |
Screenshot of the Schematic Publisher software. | |
cpda381.pdf | |
Datasheet to the PA381/382 | |
cs10.jpg | |
Yamaha CS-10 | |
CS15E.pdf | |
Yamaha Synthesizer CS15 owners manual | |
CS5E.pdf | |
Yamaha Synthesizer CS-5 Owners Manual | |
cs80_blockdiagram.zip | |
Block diagram of the CS80 | |
cs80_circuit_and_components.pdf | |
CS80 Circuits & Components | |
CS80_manual.pdf | |
CS-80 Owners manual | |
cs80_overall_circuit_diagram.zip | |
CS-80 Overall Circuit Diagram | |
cslogo.gif | |
CadSoft logo | |
cvdistributor.gif | |
Schematics of the CV/distributor | |
cvmix.gif | |
Schematics for the CV mixer | |
DA4148ds.pdf | |
Datasheet for the DA4148 | |
DB_SCRN.gif | |
Screenshot from the DREHBANK editor | |
dbop.zip | |
Zip file with all the information neede to build the DBOP. | |
dcmixer.gif | |
Schematics for the DC-mixer | |
delay.jpg | |
Picture of Nikros Analogue Delay Unit | |
delay.pdf | |
Schematics for the Analogue Delay Unit | |
delay_schem.pdf | |
Schematics for the Nikro Delay | |
delta.jpg | |
Product Brochure of the Korg Delta HUGE FILE OVER 30MB! | |
desc_n_parts.txt | |
Parts list and description for the DINer | |
devilfish_incase.jpg | |
Picture of a TB303 with the Devilfish mod. | |
df5-q6.jpe | |
Picture of the DevilFish modification as it look on the TB303 | |
diner231.zip | |
Program Source etc. | |
dinerpc1.gif | |
PCB Component side | |
dinerpc2.gif | |
PCB Solderside | |
dinersch.gif | |
Schematics for the DINer | |
drehbank.bmp | |
Picture of the Doepfer Drehbank | |
dual_power_rail.gif | |
Power rail decoupling for the Utility LFO. | |
elproseq.pdf | |
Elektor Programmable sequenser. | |
eproms_9090.zip | |
Eprom with the Crash, Hihats and ride samples for the TR909 and 9090. | |
equalizer_w_BA3812L.gif | |
Schematics of a 5 band EQ using BA 3812. | |
eti447.pdf | |
Article, schematics, pcb and parts lists for the ETI 447 Audio Phaser | |
eti603.zip | |
The whole article (all five files) in one zip file. | |
etilogo.gif | |
Electronics Today International ETI Logo | |
eti-mn3011reverb.pdf | |
Article from ETI explaining the SSRU, schematics pcb layout and assembly plan | |
etiseq1.jpg | |
Page one of the article (1/5) | |
etiseq2.jpg | |
Page two of the article (2/5) | |
etiseq3.jpg | |
Page two of the article (3/5) | |
etiseq4.jpg | |
Page four of the article (4/5) | |
etiseq5.jpg | |
Page five of the article (5/5) | |
evolver_beta.jpg | |
Picture of the evolver | |
ex-800.jpg | |
Korg EX-800 HUGE FILE OVER 30MB! | |
ex800_pic.jpg | |
Picture of the Korg EX800 | |
Fab-assignment-ckt-10-00.pdf | |
Schematics for the Psedo random sound generator (MAS861) | |
fabckt-small.jpg | |
¨Picture showing the assembled MAS861 | |
fatman.gif | |
19inch Fatman | |
fatmcase.jpg | |
Picture of the Fatman tablemodel. | |
fatmod.zip | |
Modifications for the Fatman, including the following mods: Glide Mod, Oscillator Mod, Filter/VCA | |
fatmwork.pdf | |
Documentation Schematics parts list and assembly plan for the Paia Fatman | |
finger.txt | |
Try this out.. open your 606. on the right side of the mode selection | |
finished.jpg | |
Picture of a Rackmounted MadMouse | |
flanger.pdf | |
ETI article containg all information about the flanger/chorus unit. | |
formant1.gif | |
The formant of Rick Jansen | |
FPD_Frontplatte.jpg | |
picture of the Frontpanel Designer | |
frontpanel.gif | |
Formant Frontpanel design for the Moog Ladder Filter | |
fronts.gif | |
Frontpanel Layout of the Elektor Modules | |
fuzz.pdf | |
Practical Electronics magazine article with schematics and pcb design for the PE fuzz box. | |
fuzzyballs1.pdf | |
Schematics for the Fuzzy Balls | |
fuzzyballs2.pdf | |
Jacks and Switches schematics for the Fuzzy Balls | |
gep.pdf | |
Practical Electronics magazine article of the GEP, containing schematics and partslist and assembly | |
gnome_ptch.zip | |
A zip file with jpg images of patches for the Paia Gnome | |
hcc4001.pdf | |
datasheet of st's 4001 | |
headamp1c.gif | |
Schematics of Tom Wongs Headphone amp | |
headamp1c.ps | |
Postscript file for the PCB of Tom Wings HIFI Headphone Amp. | |
hef4001b.pdf | |
Datasheet for the 4001 | |
HEF4011UB_CNV_3.pdf | |
Datasheet for the 4011 | |
hef4017b.pdf | |
Datasheet for the 4017 | |
hef4024b.pdf | |
Datasheet for the HEF4024 | |
hef4047b.pdf | |
Datasheet for the HEF4047 | |
hef4067b.pdf | |
Datasheet for the 4067 | |
hef4081b.pdf | |
Datasheet for the HEF4081 | |
hef4520b.pdf | |
Datasheet for the 4520 | |
hela.jpg | |
Picture of the circuitboard and 19" rackpanel. | |
Ibanez_Flanger_FL301.pdf | |
Original schematics for the FL301 from Ibanez | |
icke_inverterad_mixer.jpg | |
No more info | |
img_0012a.jpg | |
the Transistor placement as it SHOULD have looked. | |
img_0027.jpg | |
Picture of the thyristor in place | |
img_0036.jpg | |
Picture of the SAS PSU | |
img_0038.jpg | |
the Transistor is connected to the PCB with cables. | |
info_bygg_psu.txt | |
Short information about the PSU and how to build it. (in Swedish) | |
inverterad_mixer.gif | |
No more info | |
juno106small.gif | |
Picture of the Juno 106 | |
juno60noisegen.gif | |
Schematics for the Noisegenerator in the Juno60 | |
Juno6Parts1.gif | |
Partslist for the Juno6 | |
Juno6Parts2.gif | |
Juno 6 Parts, page 2 | |
Juno6Parts3.gif | |
Juno 6 Parts, page 3 | |
Juno6Parts4.gif | |
Juno 6 Parts, page 4 | |
Juno6Schem1a.gif | |
Juno6 Schematics page 1 | |
Juno6Schem1b.gif | |
Juno6 Schematics page 1b | |
Juno6Schem2a.gif | |
Juno6 Schematics page 1b | |
Juno6Schem2b.gif | |
Juno6 Schematics page 2b | |
Juno6Schem3a.gif | |
Juno6 Schematics page 3 | |
Juno6Schem3b.gif | |
Juno6 Schematics page 3b | |
jup4.jpg | |
Picture of the Jupiter 4. | |
jupiter4_blipp.mp3 | |
Soundexample of the Jupiter4. | |
jupiter4_blipp2.mp3 | |
Soundexample of the Jupiter4. | |
jupiter4_blipp3.mp3 | |
Soundexample of the Jupiter4. | |
jupiter4_blipp4.mp3 | |
Soundexample of the Jupiter4. | |
jupiter4_blipp5.mp3 | |
Soundexample of the Jupiter4. | |
jupiter4_blipp6.mp3 | |
Soundexample of the Jupiter4. | |
jupiter4_kvitter.mp3 | |
Birdtweets on the Jupiter4. | |
jupiter4_lfo.mp3 | |
Soundexample of the Jupiter4. | |
jupiter4_melody.mp3 | |
Soundexample of the Jupiter4. | |
jupiter4_slow_sad.mp3 | |
Soundexample of the Jupiter4. | |
jupiter4_sweep.mp3 | |
Soundexample of the Jupiter4. | |
jupiter4_unison.mp3 | |
Soundexample of the Jupiter4. | |
jupiter6.jpg | |
Picture of the Jupiter 6 | |
jupiter6_ad.jpg | |
Scanned ad for the Jupiter 6 | |
jupiter6_usersmanual.zip | |
Jupiter 6 Users manual (zipped jpg files) | |
jx3p.bmp | |
picture of the JX3p | |
jx3p.jpg | |
Roland JX3p HUGE FILE OVER 30MB! | |
jx3p.zip | |
Owners manual for the JX3p | |
jx3pdeadkeys.txt | |
a Fix for dead keys on the JX3p | |
jx3pmods.txt | |
Modifications for the JX3p | |
jx3pomnimodeoff.txt | |
A document explaining how to turn omni off on the JX3p | |
jx3pschm.zip | |
Schematics of the JX3p, in TIF format, zipped. | |
kaw100f01.jpg | |
Picture of the Tiesco 100f | |
KLM-307.gif | |
Schematics for the KLM 127 board. | |
knobby.jpg | |
Picture of the Knobby | |
knobs-frnt.jpg | |
Picture of the two additional knobs that is placed on the front panel. | |
korektor.gif | |
No more info | |
Korg Poly 800 Schematics.zip | |
Schematics for the Poly800 | |
korg_ddd1001.zip | |
Owners manual for the DDD-1 zipped pdffile | |
korg770.pdf | |
Schematics for the 770 in pdf format | |
Korg770vca.jpg | |
Schematics of the 770VCA found on The Really old Kor | |
KORGRS1.gif | |
Schematics for the PS3100/PS3300 Resonator | |
kr-55a.jpg | |
Korg KR-55 Part 1 HUGE FILE OVER 30MB! | |
kr-55b_and_minipops.jpg | |
Korg KR-55 Part 2 + Korg Minipops HUGE FILE OVER 30MB! | |
kretskort.jpg | |
A picture showing a closeup of the circuitboard, observe that a lot of cables are required for this | |
kyma_4533-SH.pdf | |
Schematics for the Kyma 4533 | |
kyma_bipolarmixer2.pdf | |
Schematics of the Kyma Bipolar mixer V2 | |
kyma_multiplier.pdf | |
Schematics of the Kyma Multiplier | |
kyma_vc-switch.pdf | |
Schematics for the Kyma VC-switch | |
kymatica.jpg | |
Pic of Kymatica Live | |
kymatron-vcf1.pdf | |
Schematics for the Kymatron VCF-1 | |
lambda.jpg | |
Korg Lambda | |
LF412.pdf | |
Datasheet for the LM412 | |
LFO.circuit.font_fixedsystxt.txt | |
schematics for simple LFO | |
light_theremin.jpg | |
Picture of the 555 Light Theremin circuit bent into a toy. | |
linvca.jpg | |
Schematics for a Linear Voltage Controlled Amplifier | |
live.txt | |
606 as a Live machine: In the 606 manual it advises stopping the pattern running before changing | |
ljud.ra | |
A RealAudio file showing how a Madmouse sounds like, it is just one tone pressed throughout the file | |
LM1036.pdf | |
Datasheet for the LM1036 | |
LM117.pdf | |
Datasheet for the LM117 and LM317 | |
LM124.pdf | |
Datasheet for the LM124, LM224, LM324, LM2902 | |
LM13600.pdf | |
Datasheet for the LM13600 | |
LM137.pdf | |
Datasheet for the LM137 and LM337 | |
LM1496.pdf | |
Datasheet for the LM1596/lm1496 | |
LM158.pdf | |
datasheet for the lm 158, 258, 358, 2904 | |
LM2900.pdf | |
Datasheet for LM2900, LM3900, and LM3301 | |
LM3046.pdf | |
Daatasheet for the LM3046 | |
LM340.pdf | |
Datasheet for the LM340/LM78XX Series 3-Terminal Positive Regulators | |
lm358.jpg | |
Pinconfiguration of the LM358 | |
LM359.pdf | |
Datasheet for the LM359 | |
lm556clocking.gif | |
Application and schematics for how to use the LM556 for clocking purposes | |
LM723.pdf | |
No more info | |
LM747.pdf | |
Datasheet for the LM 747 | |
LM7512C.pdf | |
LM78XX Series Voltage Regulators | |
LM7812.pdf | |
Datasheet for the LM7805, LM7806, LM7808, LM7809, LM7810, LM7812, LM7815, LM7818, LM7824, | |
LM7905.pdf | |
LM79XX Series 3-Terminal Negative Regulators | |
lockbox_power scott bernardi.gif | |
Schematics for teh lockbox powersupply | |
m100-Medium.jpg | |
Picture of a M100 prototype system | |
M50194P.gif | |
Schematics/signal flow of the M50194 | |
M5289.gif | |
No more info | |
m921.jpg | |
Ad for the Moog Modular 921VCO. (found at www.synthfool.com) | |
m921ab.jpg | |
Magazine Ad for the Moog modular 921A and 921B. (found at www.synthfool.com) | |
madm.pdf | |
Assembly and Parts manual for the madmouse | |
madmousepro-complete.pdf | |
Assembly plan and Schematics and Documentation for the MadMouse pro | |
mainsmall.jpg | |
Screenshot of the Schematic Publisher software. | |
MAX4533.pdf | |
Datasheet for MAX 4533 | |
max4533_typical_operating_circuit.gif | |
Typical Operating Circuit | |
MAX473-MAX475.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MAX473,474,475 | |
MAX492-MAX495.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MAX492,494,495 | |
mbhp.jpg | |
picture visualizing modules in the MBHP | |
mcu.pdf | |
Practical Electronics magazine article about the Mini Chorus Unit, containing schematics and partsli | |
mdttl_ct.gif | |
Schematics of the MIDI to 24 Outputs | |
MF10.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MF10 | |
microphone_amp.gif | |
Schematics for the mic preamp | |
microphone_amp.txt | |
Componentlist for the mic preamp | |
microphone_amp_compplacement.gif | |
Component placement for mic preamp | |
microphone_amp_layout.gif | |
PCB layout for mic preamp | |
midi.gif | |
How to wire the Gameport-MIDI cable. | |
midi_ttl.jpg | |
Layout of the MIDI to 24 Outputs PCB | |
midi2cv3.gif | |
Drawing of the Midi2cv8 | |
midi2cv3.jpg | |
picture of the assembled midi2cv8 unit | |
midi2mds.pdf | |
midi2cv8 v2.0 Firmware Operating Modes | |
midi2sch.pdf | |
Schematics for the midi2cv8 MIDI to CV converter | |
midibox_plus_foto.jpg | |
Picture of the MIDIbox Plus | |
midibox16e.jpg | |
Picture of the MIDIbox 16E | |
mididrumpedal.gif | |
Picture of the Programmable MIDI Kick Drum Pedal Circuit | |
Mididrumpedal.txt | |
Programming instructions and assembly for the MIDI Kick Drum Pedal | |
midithru.gif | |
No more info | |
midithrubox.bmp | |
Schematics for the MIDI-thru box, and PSU | |
MIF.pdf | |
Article from "CONTEMPORARY KEYBOARD/NOVEMBER 1979" explaining the MIF and how to build it. | |
minivca.pdf | |
Schematics of Marjan Urekars Minimoog VCA | |
mk50240.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MK50240 | |
mks30ad.jpg | |
Ad for the MKS-30 | |
mks30ownersman.zip | |
MKS-30 Owners Manual | |
mks30schematics.pdf | |
Schematics and block diagrams for the MKS30 | |
MKS80_Service_lowres.zip | |
Service Manual for the MKS-80 | |
mks80-400.jpg | |
Picture of the MKS80 | |
mlt04.pdf | |
Datasheet for MLT04 | |
MLT04_S.gif | |
Functional block Diagram | |
MN3001-2.pdf | |
DataSheet for the MN3001 and MN3002 (in Japanese) | |
MN3004.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3004 BBD | |
MN3004+MN3011+MN3101.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3004, MN3011, and MN3101 Bucket brigade Delay lines | |
MN3005.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3005 BBD | |
MN3006.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3006 | |
mn3007.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3007 | |
MN3009.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3009 | |
MN3010.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3010 | |
MN3011.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3011 | |
MN3012.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3012 | |
mn3101.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3101 | |
MN3102.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3102 | |
MN3105.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3105 | |
MN3204.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3204 | |
MN3205.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3205 | |
MN3206.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3206 | |
MN3207.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3207 | |
MN3208.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3208 | |
MN3209.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3209 | |
MN3210.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3210 | |
MN3214.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3214 | |
MN3304.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3304 | |
MN3306.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3306 | |
MN3307.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3307 | |
MN3308.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3308 | |
MN3309.pdf | |
Datasheet for the MN3309 | |
modular_synthesizer_mini3.zip | |
Description and schematics for the Mini-3 | |
monostable_operation_555.gif | |
information on moonostable and astable operation of the NE555. | |
monowave01_s.jpg | |
Picture of the monowave | |
MonoVoice.zip | |
The MonoVoice editor program including visual basic code. | |
MonoVoice_sourcecode.txt | |
The Sourcecode for the MonoVoice synth. To be used with an Atmel processor. | |
MonoVoice1.jpg | |
Picture of the MonoVoice Synth | |
moog_opus3.jpg | |
No more info | |
moog_rogue_service_manual_including_schematics.pdf | |
the Rogue Service manual and schematics | |
moog_trigger-convert.jpg | |
No more info | |
moog12.jpg | |
Ad for the Moog Synthesizer 12 Compact Modular system (found at www.synthfool.com) | |
moog15.jpg | |
Advertisment for the Moog Synthesizer 15 | |
moogvcf_combination.gif | |
No more info | |
moogvcf_schematic.gif | |
No more info | |
MPG-80_Service_lowres.zip | |
Service Manual for the MPG80 | |
mpg80-400.jpg | |
picture of the MPG80 | |
ms-10.jpg | |
Original product brochure for the MS10 HUGE! file (45MB) | |
ms10.pdf | |
Service Manual for the MS-10 Monophonic Synthesizer | |
ms10cct.gif | |
Schematics for the MS-10 | |
ms201.jpg | |
Picture of the Korg MS-20 | |
ms-x0.jpg | |
Original product brochure for the MS-Series, MS20 and MS50 HUGE! file (45MB) | |
NE5517.pdf | |
Datasheet for the NE5517 | |
ne556.gif | |
Pinconfiguration NE556 | |
newminisync.jpg | |
Schematics for a Minimoog Osc-sync modification, for Minimoogs with the new oscillator boards. | |
octavecat.jpg | |
Picture of the Cat | |
octave-the_cat-01.jpg | |
Octave The Cat (SRM) | |
opus3.jpg | |
Black and white photo of the opus3 | |
opus3_signal_flow.gif | |
No more info | |
osc.jpg | |
Huge! file showing the Oscillator schematics of the 770 | |
osc1.jpg | |
Schematics of the 770 Oscillator | |
osc250.gif | |
Picture of how Oscilloscope V2.51 looks like. | |
osc251.zip | |
the program in a ZIPfile. | |
oscar_ad.jpg | |
Picture of the OSCar | |
oscoscar_1a.gif | |
Picture of the OSCar | |
ouch.txt | |
Dont do this "mod" if you don't know what youre doing... | |
output1.txt | |
This text file describes an easy method of adding individual outputs for each of your 606 drumsounds | |
output2.txt | |
This text file describes an easy method of adding individual outputs for each of your 606 drumsounds | |
Owholemoog.jpg | |
No more info | |
owners_full.ZIP | |
Korg Poly 800 Owners Manual | |
p800ii.jpg | |
Picture of the Korg Poly 800 | |
p9700s01.jpg | |
No more info | |
pai4700j01sm.jpg | |
Picture of the Paia 4700 modular synthesizer system | |
PAIA_2720-1_VCA.gif | |
Schematics for the 2720-1 VCA | |
PAIA_2720-11_Env_Follower.gif | |
Schematics of the 2720-11 Envelope Follower | |
PAIA_2720-12_Inverter_Buffer.gif | |
Schematics for the 2720-12 Inverter/Buffer Module | |
PAIA_2720-14_Sine_Converter_PWM.gif | |
Schematics for the PAIA 2720 Sine converter/PWM module | |
PAIA_2720-2a_VCO.gif | |
Schematics for the Paia 2720-2a VCO | |
PAIA_2720-3b_VCF.gif | |
Schematics for the 2720-3b VCF | |
PAIA_2720-3l_VCF.gif | |
Schematics of the 2720-3l VCF | |
PAIA_2720-4_FunctionGenerator.gif | |
Schematics for the PAIA 2720-4 Function Generator | |
PAIA_2720-5_ControlOsc_NoiseSrc.gif | |
Schematics for the 2720 5 Control Osc, noise source | |
PAIA_4710_Balanced_Modulator.gif | |
Schematics fro the Paia 4710 | |
PAIA_4720a_VCO.gif | |
Schematics of the 4720a vco | |
paia_4730_001.jpg | |
Picture of the Paia 4730 | |
PAIA_4771_Regulated_PSU.gif | |
Schematics for the 4771 psu | |
PAIA_5700-1_The DRUM.gif | |
schematcs of the 5700 page 1 | |
PAIA_5700-2_The_DRUM.gif | |
schematcs of the 5700 page 2 | |
paialogo.gif | |
PAiA's logotype | |
paignome01.jpg | |
Picture of the Paia Gnome | |
partlistsmall.jpg | |
Screenshot of the Schematic Publisher software. | |
passive_VU-meter.rar | |
RAR file with all the information needed | |
patt303a.gif | |
Pattern sheet for the TB303 | |
PC_gr.jpg | |
Picture of the Pocket Control | |
pcb_cgs14_psu.gif | |
PCB overlay for the CGS14 Power Supply. You can order the PCB on Ken Stone's Homepage. | |
PD_gr.jpg | |
Picture of the Pocket Dial | |
pda508.pdf | |
Datasheet to the PD508 | |
pesequen.zip | |
The 1979 article from PES. Including all pictures in TIFF format, and the article text in a textfile | |
pg200manual.pdf | |
PG-200 Owners Manual | |
pg300.jpg | |
Picture of the PG-300 | |
pg300man.zip | |
Owners Manual for the PG-300 zip file with highres jpg's | |
pg300manual.pdf | |
Owners manual for the PG300 | |
pha.pdf | |
Practical electronics magazine article describing the Phasing Unit, with schematics, layout and part | |
photo_cgs14_psu.jpg | |
Picture opf the CGS14 Power supply | |
photo_cgs58_lfo.jpg | |
Picture of the finished Utility LFO | |
pinout.gif | |
No more info | |
pixie2.jpg | |
Picture of the Pixie | |
pixie-vcf3.pdf | |
Schematics for the Pixie VCF-3 Ladder filter | |
pocketfader.jpg | |
Picture of the pocket fader | |
printprevsmall.jpg | |
Screenshot of the Schematic Publisher software. | |
prod9.gif | |
Schematics for the Moog Rogue | |
ps3100.jpg | |
Original product brochure for the Korg PS3100 HUGE! file (45MB) | |
ps3200a.jpg | |
Original product brochure for the PS-3200 Part 1 HUGE! file (45MB) | |
ps3200b.jpg | |
Original product brochure for the PS-3200 Part 2 HUGE! file (45MB) | |
ps3300.jpg | |
Original product brochure for the PS-3300 HUGE! file (45MB) | |
ps-3300.jpg | |
Original Ad for the PS3300 | |
ps-nohs-sm.jpg | |
Picture of Sowas PSU | |
PSU723_layout.zip | |
Postscript files of the PCB layers for the SAS PSU | |
psutext.htm | |
Olof Söderbergs 24step PSU building workshop (in swedish) pictures are broken. | |
pwrout.col.gif | |
Powerout connector pinconfiguration | |
quadratu.gif | |
Schematics for the Quadrature Oscillator | |
regelwerk.jpg | |
Picture of the REGELWERK | |
ResistorCC.exe | |
The Resistor Color Coder program. Check out Schematicas homepage for the most recent software | |
ret8.jpg | |
Picture of the prototype ReTurn | |
retset32.gif | |
Screendump of the ReTurn Setup Editor | |
ring.modulator.AD533.txt | |
Schematics and description of a ring modulator | |
ringmod.jpg | |
schematics for the passive ringmodulator | |
ringmod.png | |
Schematics of YARM Ringmodulator | |
ringmodplus.png | |
Schematics of the YARM+ Ringmodulator | |
roland.TR-606.schem-1.gif | |
Schematics of the TR606 Page 1 of 6 (from machines.hyperreal.org) | |
roland.TR-606.schem-2.gif | |
Schematics of the TR606 Page 2 of 6 (from machines.hyperreal.org) | |
roland.TR-606.schem-3.gif | |
Schematics of the TR606 Page 3 of 6 (from machines.hyperreal.org) | |
roland.TR-606.schem-4.gif | |
Schematics of the TR606 Page 4 of 6 (from machines.hyperreal.org) | |
roland.TR-606.schem-5.gif | |
Schematics of the TR606 Page 5 of 6 (from machines.hyperreal.org) | |
roland.TR-606.schem-5-small.gif | |
Smaller picture of the whole schematics for the TR606. | |
roland.TR-606.schem-6.gif | |
Schematics of the TR606 Page 6 of 6 (from machines.hyperreal.org) | |
Roland_cmu800.pdf | |
Roland CMU800 operations manual | |
roland_logo.gif | |
The roland logo | |
Roland_MC202_Owners Manual.pdf | |
Roland MC202 Owner's Manual | |
roland_mks30.jpg | |
Picture of the MKS30 | |
RolandMKS50-OwnersManual.pdf | |
MKS-50 Owners Manual | |
RolandSVC350_01.jpg | |
Picture of the Roland SVC-350 | |
rw12.mp3 | |
Sounddemonstration of the Devilfish mod | |
S900.jpg | |
No more info | |
SAD4096.pdf | |
Preliminary Datasheet for the SAD 4096 | |
SAD512-1024.pdf | |
Datasheet for the SAD-512 and SAD-1024 BBDs | |
SAD512D.pdf | |
Datasheet for the SAD 512D | |
SAS_PSU_schema.gif | |
Schematics of the SAS PSU | |
sas_pwm_with_sas_tri_freq_sweep_on_both.mp3 | |
Pulse modulated SAS-VCO, modulation source is a second SAS-VCO, SAW waveform out, frequency is swept | |
sas_saw.mp3 | |
SAS-VCO SAW waveform. 5 pitches. | |
sas_saw_freq_sweep.mp3 | |
SAS-VCO SAW waveform frequency sweep with pot. | |
sas_saw_through_2_state_pole_var_filter.mp3 | |
An mp3 file showing a SAS-VCO, that is put throught MAgnus State Variable Filter, all the filter out | |
sas_sin.mp3 | |
SAS-VCO SIN waveform. 5pitches | |
sas_sin_freq_sweep.mp3 | |
SAS-VCO SIN waveform frequency sweep with pot. | |
sas_squ.mp3 | |
SAS-VCO SQU waveform. 5pitches | |
sas_squ_freq_sweep.mp3 | |
SAS-VCO SQU waveform frequency sweep with pot. | |
sas_tri.mp3 | |
SAS-VCO TRI waveform. 5pitches | |
sas_tri_freq_sweep.mp3 | |
SAS-VCO TRI waveform frequency sweep with pot. | |
schem_cgs14_psu.gif | |
Schematics for the CGS14 Power Supply | |
schem_cgs58_lfo.gif | |
The schematic of the Utility LFO | |
Schematic.gif | |
Schematics for the MonoVoice SID synth. | |
schempubmain.gif | |
Screenshot of the Schematic Publisher software. | |
ScreenShot.gif | |
Screenshot of the program for programming the MonoVoice. | |
sds800psu.gif | |
Schematics for the SDS800 PSU | |
SeikoMR1000.JPG | |
Detailed (big) picture of the Seiko MR1000 | |
sequencer.pdf | |
The PDF with all information to build the Simple Sequencer | |
SequentialProOne-OperationManual.pdf | |
Operations Manual for the SeqCirc Pro One | |
serial.txt | |
Roland's 606 updates and when they happenned | |
shiftys_death_synth.jpg | |
Picture of the hardware platform, consisting of a modified EZ-kit lite and a palmIII (plus some extr | |
shuffle.txt | |
How to make your 606 Shuffle: Okay there are three ways to make your 606 shuffle like a 909 or 707 | |
sigma.jpg | |
Korg Sigma HUGE FILE OVER 30MB! | |
sintesor_polivoks2.GIF | |
No more info | |
slos080d.pdf | |
Datasheet for the TL07X series OpAmps | |
smasher-0.00-5.15.mp3 | |
Soundfile showing the capabilities of the Moog Slayer | |
snare.txt | |
Snare pitch/tone modification | |
soundmaster_rhythm.gif | |
Schematics for the SM-8 (Soundmaster Rythm). | |
specs.txt | |
Because the official 606 specs are written in Roland's obscure ManualLanguage | |
sq-10.jpg | |
Product Brochure for the Korg SQ-10 HUGE FILE OVER 30MB! | |
ssbmult.gif | |
Schematics of the Single-Sideband Suppressed Carrier Demodulator | |
sshot-nt.gif | |
Screenshot of the Windows version | |
ssm2013.pdf | |
No more info | |
ssm2014.pdf | |
Data sheet for the SSM-2014 | |
ssm2015.pdf | |
Datasheet for SSM2015 | |
ssm2024.pdf | |
Datasheet for SSM2024 | |
ssm2040.pdf | |
Datasheet for SSM2040 | |
ssm2044.pdf | |
Datasheet for SSM2044 | |
ssm2045.pdf | |
Datasheet for SSM2045 | |
ssm2047.pdf | |
Datasheet for SSM2047 | |
ssm2056.pdf | |
Datasheet for SSM2056 | |
ssm2120.pdf | |
Datasheet for the SSM 2120 and 2122 | |
ssm2141.pdf | |
Datasheet for the SSM2141 | |
ssm2142.pdf | |
Datasheet for the SSM2142 | |
ssm2210.pdf | |
Datasheet for SSM2210 | |
ssm2220.pdf | |
Datasheet for SSM2220 | |
svc350_om.zip | |
The users manual in a zip. | |
svf.jpg | |
No more info | |
svf_by_Sourcery.jpg | |
Picture showing how small Magnus SVF can be, this one using 2 TL074, on a breadboard. | |
svf1.pdf | |
Schematics for Magnus 2-pole filter | |
svfilter.gif | |
Schematics for the classic SVF | |
synth_of_doom.jpg | |
Picture of a large MOTM system (the synth of doom) | |
synthesis_tech_logo.gif | |
Synthesis technology Logo | |
syrinx.jpg | |
Picture of the Syrinx | |
syrinx.zip | |
Schematics for the Synton Syrinx, zipped file with jpg-files. | |
tb303b.jpg | |
Picture of the TB303 | |
tbox1.mp3 | |
Sound example of how the TB3030 sounds. | |
tbox2.mp3 | |
Another sound example of the TB3030. | |
tda1022.pdf | |
Datasheet for the TDA1022 (in german) | |
TDA1022-b.pdf | |
Datasheet for the TDA1022 (in english) | |
tda7050.bmp | |
Schematics on how to connect the TDA7050 to make it a complete headphone amp. | |
Teisco 110F_60F_Owners manual.pdf | |
Teisco 110 F Owners Manual | |
tempo.txt | |
Fine tempo modification | |
The_Arp_Pro_Soloist.ogg | |
A twenty minute long OGG file going thru the preset sounds and onboard effects of the Arp Prosoloist | |
theminimoog.jpg | |
Introducing the Minimoog. Short article about the Moog Minimoog (found at www.synthfool.com) | |
thorstenattheworkbench.jpg | |
Picture of Thorsten Klose at the workbench | |
TIP3055.pdf | |
Datasheet for the TIP3055 and 2955 Transistors. | |
TIP31A-D.pdf | |
Datasheet for the TIP31, TIP31A, TIP31B, TIP31C, (NPN), TIP32, TIP32A, TIP32B, TIP32C, (PNP) | |
title.gif | |
Picture of the DBOP | |
tl082.gif | |
Picture showing pin configuration for the tl082 | |
tl431.pdf | |
Datasheet for the TL431 | |
tobitmapsmall.jpg | |
Screenshot of the Schematic Publisher software. | |
tokaidly.gif | |
Schematics of the Tokai TDL-1 | |
tonepad_flanger301.pdf | |
Tonepads schematics for the FL301 | |
tour04.gif | |
Screenshot of the Eagle software | |
tr606.jpg | |
Picture of the TR606 | |
TR-606_Operation_Manual.pdf | |
The Usersmanual TR606. From www.monophonic.org, check out their site for more stuff. | |
TR-606_Schematics.pdf | |
TR606 Schematics, PCB-layout and Pinconfiguration for some of the circuitry used. | |
TR707_operation_guide.pdf | |
Operations manual for the TR707 | |
TR707_user_manual.pdf | |
Owner's manual for the TR707 | |
tr808_schematics.zip | |
Schematics for the TR808 | |
tr909.jpg | |
Picture of a Roland TR-909 Rhythm Composer | |
trevor_page.jpg | |
Picture of Trevor Page | |
trident.jpg | |
Product Brochure of the Korg Trident HUGE! File (45MB) Beware... | |
trident2.jpg | |
Original product brochure for the Korg Trident HUGE! file (45MB) | |
Typhoon2000.sit | |
Typhoon2000 software. packed with StuffIt, download if you have a MAC | |
Typhoon2000.zip | |
Typhoon2000 software. Zipped, download if you have a PC | |
ua726.pdf | |
Dtasheet for the uA 726 Transistor pair | |
ua741.pdf | |
Datasheet for the uA741 | |
uA741_DIL.jpg | |
picture of the uA741 | |
ua78XX.pdf | |
Datasheet for the uA7800 series Positive Voltage Regulators | |
ua79XX.pdf | |
Datasheet for the uA7900 series | |
UC1BrochureText.pdf | |
UC-1 Broschure text | |
UC1DevelopementReport1.pdf | |
UC-1 Development report | |
UC1QuickReferenceGuide.pdf | |
UC-1 Quick reference guide | |
UC1Sequencer.jpg | |
Picture of the UC-1 mounted inside the SCI Pro One | |
various.txt | |
Various modifications for the tr606 | |
varor_1.jpg | |
Parts (1/2) | |
varor_2.jpg | |
Parts (2/2) | |
varor_4.jpg | |
Make sure you turn the connectors right. | |
varor_5.jpg | |
Markings of the capacitators | |
varor_7.jpg | |
Markings of the ICs | |
varor_8.jpg | |
Turn the transistor the right way | |
varor_9.jpg | |
The Thyristor Goof... | |
WASP vcf-eg.pdf | |
Redrawn schematics of the Wasp VCF-EG by Laurie Biddulph | |
wasp.jpg | |
Picture of the Wasp | |
wasp_om.zip | |
Wasp Performers manual (zip-file) | |
wasp_schematics1.jpg | |
Wasp Schematics page 1/4 | |
wasp_schematics2.jpg | |
Wasp Schematics page 2/4 | |
wasp_schematics3.jpg | |
Wasp Schematics page 3/4 | |
wasp_schematics4.jpg | |
Wasp Schematics page 4/4 | |
wasp_service_notes_p1.jpg | |
Wasp Service Notes page 1/11 | |
wasp_service_notes_p10.jpg | |
Wasp Service Notes page 10/11 | |
wasp_service_notes_p11.jpg | |
Wasp Service Notes page 11/11 | |
wasp_service_notes_p2.jpg | |
Wasp Service Notes page 2/11 | |
wasp_service_notes_p3.jpg | |
Wasp Service Notes page 3/11 | |
wasp_service_notes_p4.jpg | |
Wasp Service Notes page 4/11 | |
wasp_service_notes_p5.jpg | |
Wasp Service Notes page 5/11 | |
wasp_service_notes_p6.jpg | |
Wasp Service Notes page 6/11 | |
wasp_service_notes_p7.jpg | |
Wasp Service Notes page 7/11 | |
wasp_service_notes_p8.jpg | |
Wasp Service Notes page 8/11 | |
wasp_service_notes_p9.jpg | |
Wasp Service Notes page 9/11 | |
wav1b.pdf | |
wavewrap.zip | |
zipfile containing both schematics PCB-layout and partslist | |
vc10.jpg | |
Picture of Korg VC-10 HUGE FILE OVER 30MB! | |
vca.png | |
Schematics for the VCA-1 | |
vca3.png | |
Schematics of the VCA-3 | |
vcadsr.png | |
Schematics for the VCADSR by Rene Schmitz | |
vcaneu.png | |
Schematics for the VCA-2 | |
Vcf0111.gif | |
Schematics for the VCF0111 | |
vclp.gif | |
Schematics for the VC LPF | |
vco1-f.jpg | |
Picture of the Homebrew Synth VCO | |
vcpsimple.jpg | |
Picture of the Bergfotron VCP | |
vf11eng.pdf | |
MAM VF11 owners manual | |
WinLAP.png | |
Screenshot of WinLAP | |
WinLAP.zip | |
The WinLAP program check Schematicas homepage for the latest version. | |
wire_cgs58_lfo.gif | |
The component overlay and wiring for one of the two LFOs. Wiring for the second LFO is identical. | |
wire_cgs58_lfo2.gif | |
Wiring in two DPDT switches as shown will allow for the variable outputs of the two LFOs to interact | |
wirelisthtmlsmall.jpg | |
Screenshot of the Schematic Publisher software. | |
wirelistsmall.jpg | |
Screenshot of the Schematic Publisher software. | |
wirelistxmlsmall.jpg | |
Screenshot of the Schematic Publisher software. | |
voro350b.jpg | |
Picture of the Roland SVC-350 | |
vx600.jpg | |
Picture of the VX600 | |
xr10_l.jpg | |
Picture of the XR10 | |
xr2206.pdf | |
Datasheet for the XR2206 | |
zasilacz.gif | |
Schematics for Roman Sowas Power supply | |
zoomsmall.jpg | |
Screenshot of the Schematic Publisher software. |